

目前入学的学生可获得远程保健服务, 居住在俄亥俄州, and have been screened as being appropriate for mental health 服务 through 远程医疗. 此服务通过变焦进行.  


If you are not currently receiving 服务 at 辅导及心理服务 (CPS), begin by 安排约会.




  1. 安排约会
  2. You will be contacted via your 俄亥俄州 email account with directions for completing an intake questionnaire and appropriate consent forms prior to your initial 远程医疗 appointment.
  3. 在你初次见面时,你的辅导员会核实你的身份和位置.
  4. 初次预约后, you and your counselor will determine whether the follow up appointments will be via 变焦 or in person. 
  5. 如果您选择通过变焦进行后续预约:  
    • 遵循这些 入门指南伯父.
    • 在预约前五分钟登录变焦,确保它正常工作. 期望收到一封带有变焦链接的电子邮件以访问会议. 点击链接后, 你会在“等候室”,你的辅导员会在他们准备好后加入. 


  • 选择一个保密的地方,确保没有其他人在场. 不要在公共场所进行心理咨询.   
  • If utilizing 变焦, have an environment with good lighting where your counselor can see you well. Nonverbal signals are a significant part of someone’s communication and will help you and your counselor have better communication.
  • Ensure your environment is distraction-free and have a plan should you encounter distractions (e.g.(电话、宠物、打扰).
  • 如果你的技术出现故障,是否有备用方法.



  • 在咨询和心理服务中心(CPS)接受远程医疗服务, 您 必须实际位于俄亥俄州. 远程医疗 服务 may not be provided to anyone across the Ohio border or in international jurisdictions.  
  • 如果 你是 不是成年人, permission from your parent or legal guardian (and their contact information) is needed for you to participate in 远程医疗.  
  • Students must meet the usual eligibility criteria for receiving counseling 服务 which includes:  
    • Any newbb电子平台 undergraduate or graduate student who is currently enrolled in classes.
    • Undergraduate students are covered under the Guaranteed tuition plan for the current semester.  
    • 研究生在本学期的福利计划范围内. 
  • 远程医疗 should not be viewed as a substitute for face-to-face counseling or medication by a physician. 它是一种与传统咨询有所不同的替代咨询形式. 
  • 您的 CPS提供商将确定远程医疗服务是否合适.  
    • 并非所有心理健康问题在临床上都适合远程保健服务. 如果你遇到了危机, 严重的精神病, 或者有自杀或杀人的念头, 远程医疗可能不适合您的需要. 
    • Your provider will regularly reassess the appropriateness of delivering 服务 through technology.  
    • 您的提供者可能会建议针对特定问题提供面对面的服务. 
  • Requests for 服务 from students outside of Ohio are limited to phone consultation at this time.  
    • Phone consultation will focus on some immediate support and assistance with finding resources that are local to student’s area. 
  •  你有责任在你的通信端保持隐私.  
    • Any family member or other individual that you would like to have present during the virtual visit must have a prior approval from your provider and may require additional consents.   
    • All individuals present for the virtual visit must be within view of the camera so the provider is aware of who is participating. 
  • You may decline 远程医疗 服务 at any time without jeopardizing your access to future care, 服务, 和福利. 
  • 你不能记录远程医疗咨询. Your CPS counselor does not record your sessions unless there is a written agreement between you and your counselor — this is done for supervision purposes only.  You or CPS shall not disseminate any personally identifiable images or information from the 远程医疗 counseling interactions to other entities without a written consent agreement between you and your counselor. 
    • CPS使用 医疗保健变焦 -一个符合HIPAA的newbb电子程序,不允许记录会话. 


远程医疗 counseling appointments occur at the times agreed upon between you and your provider. 如果你错过了你的预约, 您必须联系您的提供者或CPS总办公室,电话:(740)593-1616重新安排.


CPS利用 multiple measures to ensure client’s confidentiality and privacy from the counselor’s side of the session. CPS discusses measures that the student should take to ensure confidentiality and privacy from their end.


  • 在别人听不到的私密场所进行培训. 
  • 采用安全视频会议技术,CPS采用变焦 医疗保健 -符合HIPAA的newbb电子程序.
  • 不要记录会话. 变焦 医疗保健 不允许录制会话. 如果您的变焦会议有记录选项,请立即通知辅导员. 
  • Password protect your computer, tablet, phone, and any other device with a password that is unique.   
  • 总是退出你的会话. 
  • 不要让软件记住你的密码-每次登录. 
  • 不要与任何人共享密码. 
  • 当你登录咨询软件时,不要共享设备. 
  • 如果你不想让别人知道你正在接受咨询服务, 清除浏览器的缓存(浏览历史记录), 在你的电话列表上写上心理医生的名字, 而不是“咨询师或治疗师”. 
  • Have all of your devices set to time out requiring you to sign back in after a set idle time. 
  • 更新你的电脑. 
  • 使用防火墙和防病毒程序. 
  • 如果你怀疑你的安全有任何漏洞,通知你的辅导员. 


  • if such disclosure is necessary to protect the client or someone else from imminent danger; 
  • in cases of apparent ongoing child abuse or abuse of a person unable to care for themselves; 
  • 在法庭传唤咨询记录的罕见情况下.  


Your provider will need to know the location or address in which you will consistently be during counseling sessions and will need to know if this location changes. 您和提供商将共同制定一个 计划 ,以便在发生紧急情况时遵循. 您的提供商将有权访问紧急联系计划信息.  


  • 紧急联系人姓名、电话号码和地址 
  • 客户的电话号码和住址,包括县
  • 当地危机热线的联系方式 
  • 当地执法部门的联系信息 
  • 联系 information for mental health crisis service providers operating in client’s county of residence 

在紧急情况下,不要通过远程医疗联系您的提供者. 您的提供者可能不会检查预定约会之外的消息.



  • 您的 提供商将确定 您的 技术能力(例如.g., 私人空间, proper equipment and sufficient internet access) and competence are appropriate for 远程医疗 服务.  
  • All technology utilized by your provider is compliant with Ohio Administrative Codes that apply to providers’ licenses, 除了用于调度的 邮件.  
    • CPS利用 缩放医疗保健- 符合HIPAA的技术.   
    • All communications between the client and the counselor occur within the secure patient portal, 除了出于日程安排目的的电子邮件 
  • 您 必须有 可以访问互联网的设备, 并保持最高机密, 重要的是 您是 在一个私人空间 与一个安全的 互联网连接(e.g.,而不是公开或共享的连接).  
  • 客户在进行视频会议时首选的设备是桌面电脑, 笔记本电脑, 和平板电脑.


There are risks in transmitting information over the internet that include, but are not limited to:   

  • 的可能性, 尽管 提供商做出了合理的努力, that the transmission of your personal information could be disrupted or distorted by technical failures;  
  • The transmission of your personal information could be interrupted by unauthorized persons; and the electronic storage of your personal information could be accessed by unauthorized persons.  


  • Video communication may lack some visual or audio cues that on occasion may result in misunderstanding. 这种情况会发生吗?, 重要的是要假设你的辅导员对你有积极的关注, 和你的辅导员核实一下你的假设. 这将减少不必要的不适感. 
  • Your  provider will discuss the possibility of technology failure and the procedure in the event 服务 are disrupted, 预期对电子通讯的回应时间, 替代服务交付, and electronic communication between scheduled appointments and after normal working hours.  


最可靠的备份是手机. 因此, 建议你随时准备一部手机, 并且把你的电话号码提供给你的辅导员.  

如果您从视频会议会话断开,请重新启动会话. 如果你不能在十分钟内重新连接,打电话给你的辅导员.