
Virtual Global Experiences (教员/员工)

全球机会办公室(OGO)很乐意提供一份虚拟全球体验的菜单,这些体验可以整合到课程中, 课外学习, and extra-curricular levels offered to the newbb电子平台 community. 虚拟全球体验使我们能够在旅行限制期间发扬俄亥俄州长期以来的全球参与传统. Once normal travel can resume, OGO计划继续提供虚拟机会,以扩大获得全球经验的机会,并支持该校培养全球领导者的使命.

What are Virtual Global Experiences?

Virtual 全球 经验s cover a wide array of offerings including collaborative projects, 文化活动, 客座演讲, 和视频系列,可以很容易地纳入现有的课程材料和课外活动.  By fostering 全球 curiosity, 创新, 同情, and literacy in our community, these offerings allow you to bring the world to 俄亥俄州 students.

同步, 异步和混合的内容是可用的,可以定制您的课程或课外需要.

Why should I integrate Virtual Global Experiences?

  • 为那些在大学期间可能无法出国留学的学生提供机会,
  • Utilize a new resource when adapting in-person coursework into a digital modality, 
  • Enhance the content of any course, whether it be a general 教育 or upper-level major coursework,
  • Bring experiential learning into the physical or virtual classroom.

全球机会办公室与几家备受尊敬的国际教育机构合作,为newbb电子平台社区提供各种虚拟的全球体验.  For more information about the different types of activities, click on the headers below. 

International Guest Lecture

概述:  国际客座讲座是一个灵活的选择,将全球经验融入您的课程.  这个选项将您的学生与该领域的国际专家联系起来,他们帮助将学术内容与他们的文化背景和观点联系起来,提供一个比较的国际背景.

时间: 同步 or 异步

国际客座讲座经验可以以一个讲座为特色,也可以作为一个系列讲座. Depending on your needs and speaker availability, these 经验s generally last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. 


Please note: These examples are meant to give you an idea of what is possible.  OGO将与您和合作伙伴提供商合作,选择适合您内容需求的活动. 

  • 新闻 & 视觉传达:记者在那不勒斯国家RAI电视网络辛迪加的简报.
  • 领导 & 公共行政:国家反歧视研究所所长演讲, Xenophobia and Racism in Buenos Aires.
  • 教育:与一位前中学教师的谈话,倡导在南太平洋孤立的社区接受高等教育.
  • 可持续发展:丹麦一家废物转化能源工厂的经营者就清洁发电和国家环境可持续发展优先事项进行了讲座.
  • Public 健康: Lecture on public health outreach, 教育, and HIV testing efforts from the leaders of an NGO in Chiang Mai, 泰国
Cultural Engagement Lab

概述:  Cultural engagement labs are theme-focused activities designed to foster engagement, critical reflection, synthesis and action. 这些活动让学生通过当地人的视角了解文化和文化差异的概念. 活动可以根据您的课程内容进行定制,同时探索手边的文化. 

时间:  同步 or 异步  

May consist of one or more sessions throughout the term. 


Please note: These examples are meant to give you an idea of what is possible.  OGO将与您和合作伙伴提供商合作,选择适合您内容需求的活动. 

  • 虚拟站点探索:观察湄公河三角洲社区如何可持续地调整越南传统食品生产以适应现代旅游业的需求
  • 饮食文化课程:考察意大利地区烹饪的农业实践和简史, followed by a video exploration of a local farmers’ market collecting ingredients, then join locals by video to make a national favorite dish: pasta al la carbonara.
  • 媒体汇报:在参加Netflix的派对和当地人一起观看当前的热门韩剧之前,研究一下过去十年最受欢迎的韩剧. 观察文化传播特质和韩国性别角色的描述,并在展览结束后与专家进行汇报.
  • Thai Cultural Values Workshop: Attend a workshop, 学习基于泰国佛教的历史影响和高语境交际的区域观察的人际关系的做与不做. 
Academic Content Videos

概述:学术内容视频专注于一个特定的话题或主题,并将您的课程内容与更广阔的世界联系起来. 这些视频将你的课程与全球文化联系起来,很容易融入你现有的课程. 

时间: 异步    

These videos range anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. 


Please note: These examples are meant to give you an idea of what is possible.  OGO将与您和合作伙伴提供商合作,选择适合您内容需求的活动. 

  • COVID-19应对:对世界各国COVID-19应对情况进行全球比较
  • Preserving the Arts: 连接 to examples of local arts, theater, singing, etc. in a specific location.
  • 美食和文化:与国际厨师一起参观,学习独特食物的制作.
  • Preserving Traditions: Focus on history, culture, and the preservation of local traditions.
Collaborative Consulting Projects

概述:  The collaborative consulting projects offer an in-depth learning 经验. 项目开始时,学生们虚拟地会见了他们的客户,并了解了组织的具体需求, while defining the project that the students work on.

时间: Combination of synchronous and asynchronous sessions

学生 then work throughout the project timeline to meet the objectives, while receiving feedback from the client. Projects can range from 4 weeks to a full semester. 


Please note: These examples are meant to give you an idea of what is possible.  OGO将与您和合作伙伴提供商合作,选择适合您内容需求的活动. 

  • 工科学生为基多的小型机器人公司使用CAD开发物理远程呈现平台;
  • Social work students conduct policy research, prepare briefs and learn about legal system in Cape Town.
Collaborative Service-Learning Projects

概述:  服务学习项目将您课程中的学生与世界各地的社区合作伙伴联系起来, allowing them to explore 全球 issues within a local context. 学生 engage in reflective practice activities to explore contemporary themes. 

时间: Combination of synchronous and asynchronous sessions

Projects can range from 4 weeks to a full semester. 


Please note: These examples are meant to give you an idea of what is possible.  OGO将与您和合作伙伴提供商合作,选择适合您内容需求的活动. 

  • Climate Change Around the Globe
  • Ethical storytelling in Italy, England, Jamaica, or Appalachia
Online Course Module

概述: These online modules are pre-made by a variety of partner organizations. 它们可以作为学术支持活动或作为辅助课程内容来补充学生的课程作业. Some options are facilitated by field experts and engage students in contemporary themes.  

时间:  同步 or 异步    

These modules vary in format and length depending on the topic area.


Please note: While these activities may be customizable to some extent, they are not as broadly flexible as other activity options. 

  • Building Your Personal Brand: 学生 reflect on their personal drivers, 值, 经验, and professional goals to tailor their personal brand.  (10-25 contact hours)
  • Own Your Career: individual reflection utilizing the STARR framework: Situation, 任务, 行动, 结果, 有关*. 这个过程可以帮助学生表达他们的知识和技能,以提高他们的就业能力. (Hybrid, 5-10 contact hours)
  • COVID-19时期的错误信息和虚假信息:学生学习和反思信息和虚假信息,并学习如何在COVID-19期间帮助他人. (Customizable and self-paced)

我很感兴趣! How do I get started?

OGO目前正在接受在2021年夏季和2021年秋季实施虚拟全球体验的建议.  Priority will be given to proposals that reach a broad audience, represent regional campuses, 包括针对专业或学生身份的规划,这些专业或学生身份在外出学习中通常没有得到充分的代表. 

Submissions will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.

To submit your proposal, please complete the Qualtrics survey linked here http://OHIO.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8i9JBeDTVaRbLMx.

有关这些机会或提案程序的问题可直接向政府办副主任提出, 基利·达文 davin@俄亥俄州.edu