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University 库’ 艾琳·威尔逊 to participate in the State 图书馆 of Ohio’s cohort for digital curation


Ohio University 库’ 艾琳·威尔逊, digital imaging specialist & lab manager, will join the cohort to pursue the digital curation certificate 通过一个 联合项目 with 图书馆 Juice Academy (LJA) and the State 图书馆 of Ohio. The six-course online program is a partnership that has occurred for the last two years to fund enrollment of a cohort of 15 library professionals throughout Ohio. The purpose is to cover basic principles of creation, management and stewardship of digital assets in cultural heritage institutions.

Wilson wrote in an email that the program’s theme of digital curation is unique among professional development opportunities for library staff, as sometimes people often work in roles adjacent to curation without any formal training. These courses will now offer some guidance for those following the path of curation.

“There are limited educational opportunities which are specific to this area of library, museum and archival work,” Wilson wrote. “The program curriculum is tailored for those seeking to develop specific skills and knowledge in a growing field.”

Wilson also mentioned that in her role as part of the 库' Digital Initiatives unit, she is responsible for digitizing rare and unique materials from 档案 and Special 集合, stewarding digital resources and making them freely available and discoverable through the 库 Digital 档案

Wilson’s ultimate goal is to gain a broader, more confident understanding of professional standards and best practices to reinforce her 10+ years of experience with digitization.

 “I will have opportunities to immediately apply what I learn and relate to the concepts,” Wilson wrote. “特别, I am seeking growth in areas related to ethics and [metadata] description of digitized collections.”

The 库 looks forward toward what Wilson will learn and takeaway from the cohort, and to see what skills she will bring back with her to apply to her work at University 库.