

newbb电子平台的核心价值观, 社区, 公民身份, 文明和承诺定义了我们作为一个大学社区的身份. 在服务学生的过程中,我们将继续强调我们的核心价值观, 我们将尽一切努力保证学生的安全.

We are here to help our students learn and grow so that they become responsible 社区 members and leaders. 我们将永远不会动摇这一承诺.

我们的责任是保证学生的安全, We are committed to working with our student organizations to help ensure that they are engaging in behavior and practice that are in alignment with University policies and core values.



newbb电子平台 seeks to promote a safe environment where students may participate in activities and organizations without compromising their health, 安全, 或福利. 因此,学校的政策是禁止欺侮.

Prevention of hazing is the responsibility of every member of the University 社区. 每个组织, 以及每个人, must accept the personal obligation to uphold the basic 社区 values of 公民身份, 礼貌, 字符, 社区, 和承诺. It is the university's belief that true human development will best occur in an atmosphere that promotes social and ethical responsibility.

Under this policy every member of our University 社区 has an obligation to report and act on information regarding hazing. 如果不采取任何行动, Under this policy newbb电子平台 employees have an obligation to report information regarding hazing.  所有欺侮指控都将被全面调查, and any organization and/or individuals within an organization found responsible of hazing may face disciplinary action up to and/or including expulsion from the University and criminal charges. 俄亥俄州反对欺侮的政策



  • Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental, 情感, or physical health or 安全 of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into, 或隶属于, any student organization or group regardless of the person's consent to participate.    
  • 身体上的残暴行为,包括但不限于打水, 鞭打, 打, 品牌, 迫使健美操, 或者暴露在环境中.   
  • 强迫消费, 包括但不限于任何食物, 酒精饮料, 液体, 药物, or any other substance that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm. 
  • 造成精神压力的行为, 包括但不限于睡眠剥夺, 运输或遗弃, 禁闭在一个小空间里, 被排除在社会交往之外, 可能导致尴尬的强迫行为, 任何旨在羞辱或羞辱的强迫行为, 或任何骚扰行为(定义见“学生行为准则”).     
  • 强迫活动, 包括但不限于违反当地, 状态, 或者联邦法律, 违反学校政策, 规则, 、法规, 以及个人奴役.
  • Acts of sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking, as defined by newbb电子平台政策03.004.


All current organizations under any kind of disciplinary review for the past seven years, 在我们的网站上列出了:




newbb电子平台不容忍欺侮行为. 不是在我们的姐妹会和兄弟会里, 我们的运动队, 体育俱乐部, 注册学生组织, 乐队或其他任何地方.


要想停止欺侮,就必须举报. 所有报告的欺侮事件都将被调查, and all individuals involved in hazing activities are subject to both criminal and/or university judicial proceedings.


如果你目击或知道可能发生的欺侮事件, report the incident immediately to 社区标准 at 740-593-2629 and/or contact the police. 欺侮行为也可以通过 社区标准及事故报告. 举报可以匿名进行, 尽管大学对匿名举报的回应可能有限.


欺侮会对身体和情感造成伤害. 有 可用的资源 if you need support or medical attention as the result of hazing activities.




学生培训    教师 & 员工培训社区志愿者


  • newbb电子平台 developed an Anti-Hazing Task force in 2014 and sent representatives to the Novak Institute for 被欺侮的预防 (now known as the Interdisciplinary Institute for 被欺侮的预防) to develop 政策23.010. 这项政策不仅定义了欺侮, but also clarifies that any employee of the university who learns of potential hazing has a duty to report to 社区标准 and 学生的责任, and also an obligation to report to the police if the crime could be felony level, 根据第2921条.俄亥俄州修订法典第22条. 
  • A new task force started its work in spring of 2019 and has been focused on any updates to the policy, 对教职员工的教育, 以及协调预防工作. 


  • 除了全校关于欺侮和举报的政策, 欺侮也被禁止作为一种特定的违反 学生行为准则D部分第8节. 
  • All student organizations (including recognized social fraternities and sororities) are required to re-register annually to access campus services. 作为重新注册过程的一部分, 每个组织的特定官员(主席), 副总统, 秘书, and Treasurer) are required to agree to terms and conditions including upholding the 学生行为准则, 非歧视期望, 一个非欺侮的期望, 财务问责制, 并定义顾问的角色. 
  • 社区标准 and 学生的责任 re-vamped its student organization conduct process to be clearer 和更多的 transparent to the 社区, 以及在校园参与中心与大学合作伙伴合作, 姐妹会和兄弟会生活等,以增加沟通. All current organizations under any kind of disciplinary review for the past seven years, 现在在我们的网站上列出了: 学生组织更新

项目 & 人员支持

  • Every chapter participates in the Pawprint Accreditation Program which assesses chapters on 8 different areas including chapter operations, 健康与安全, 学者, 招聘, 新会员教育, 和更多的. Chapters are required to submit their 新会员教育 programs for review and have monthly chapter coaching sessions with a member of OSFL staff to talk about creating inclusive and safe new member processes.
  • 姐妹会的学生领袖 & 友爱的生活 have had the opportunity to attend keynotes and training provide by parents representatives of the Parents United 2 Stop Hazing (PUSH) organization.
  • The University provides opportunities for students and student organization members to access risk management, 旁观者干预训练, and alcohol and other 药物 intervention trainings from a harm-reduction modality and a socio-ecological approach. 查看程序列表,具体包括欺侮程序: 健康促进计划
  • 大学完成了对姐妹会的外部审查 & 通过RISE伙伴关系咨询小组的兄弟会生活. 因为这份报告, 额外的资源用于为姐妹会聘请一个主任职位 & 友爱的生活 to elevate the role and support of these organizations on campus. 该职位于2019年秋季开始. 除了, the University will follow the recommendation of the report to complete a full problem analysis of hazing situations and contributing factors. 
  • In spring of 2021 the students and the university worked together to add an additional FTE to 女学生联谊会 and 友爱的生活, 使全职全职员工总数达到2人.0
  • Every chapter is required to attend monthly PAWs for Cause Educational 项目 that adresses issues of hazing prevention, 酒精的意识, 性侵犯预防, 关于重要和归属的问题, 心理健康意识等等.
  • Chapters participate in annual 被欺侮的预防 项目 in September for National 被欺侮的预防 Week.
  • All Chapter Members are required to complete the hazing prevention module training offered by newbb电子平台. 另外, 所有俄亥俄之友(包括分会顾问和IHQ工作人员), 是否需要完成自己版本的模块培训.
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