

毕业不是自动的. 毕业, 所有学生(本科生), 研究生, and medical) must apply no later than the graduation application deadline for the term in which graduation is planned.

The graduation division of the 大学教务处 works closely with the college offices to coordinate the conferral and denial of 学位s and certificates. 除了, the division prepares the student information used when printing the commencement program and handles new and replacement diplomas.

学生 that have requested confidentiality of their educational records must release the confidentiality hold in order to be included in the commencement program.

如果你需要帮助, 联系注册服务机构, 一楼, 丘伯保险锁大厅, 或者你所在地区的学生服务办公室.


学生 who want to 研究生 Summer semester but fail to apply for graduation by the deadline date (2024年7月15日) will need to contact the 注册商’s Office directly to make a late graduation application over the phone. 学生 who submit an application after the deadline must pay a $100 fine in addition to the $50 graduation application fee to have their graduation application processed.

学生 graduating 夏季学期2023-24 are invited to participate in the Fall 毕业典礼 Ceremony.  有关毕业典礼的信息将在 毕业典礼上网站.

Graduation Deadlines and Fees

下降2024 - 252024年9月30日毕业日期:2024年12月14日
春天2024 - 252025年2月17日毕业日期:2025年5月2日

Graduation Application Fees

对于所有学位... $50

重新申请-任何学位... $5
逾期毕业申请处理罚款- 100美元

  • 费用可能会有所变化
  • 不适用俄亥俄州担保的副学士和学士学位学生
  • 费用将计入您的学生账户. All fees and balances must be paid by the end of semester term to allow diploma to be shipped. 


学生 who want to 研究生 Spring semester but fail to apply for graduation by the deadline date will need to contact the 注册商’s Office directly to make a late graduation application over the phone. 学生 who submit an application after the deadline must pay a $100 fine in addition to the $50 graduation application fee to have their graduation application processed.


下降2024 - 252024年12月13日
春天2024 - 252025年5月2日


更改名字的程序在我们 注册商 网页.

更改地址的要求必须通过电子邮件发送至 graduation@俄亥俄州.edu 在截止日期前从俄亥俄州的电子邮件中删除.

春天2023 - 242024年5月17日
下降2024 - 252024年12月13日
春天2024 - 252025年5月16日

The Graduation Process

毕业不是自动的. 要毕业,申请不迟于公布的毕业截止日期. 毕业申请, 所有学位和证书, 从开学第一天开始上课吗, 在你的 My俄亥俄州学生中心.

出现在大学记录中的姓名将打印在文凭上. 当newbb电子, 学生必须注明主修专业。, 小(s), 以及他/她打算完成的证书. 如果你需要帮助, 联系注册服务机构 or your regional campus student services.



选项1: 网站直接链接: 申请毕业   

选项2: 登录到您的 My俄亥俄州学生中心 然后选择"其他学术并按照以下步骤操作:


  1. 你将被带到毕业申请处.
  2. 回答问题并完成newbb电子程序中的字段. 单击“保存并继续”以继续newbb电子程序. Your application is not complete until you have clicked "Complete Application" on the page that summarizes all of your application details. This will finalize your application and you will not be able to make any changes after this step. 
  3. Within the application you may optionally "Save" your application prior to completing it. 例如, if you don’t have time to complete it at once or need to gather information prior to finalizing you can log out after you have clicked one of the "Save and continue" buttons. Your application will be saved and you will be able to log on before the deadline to complete the other items and finalize your application by clicking "Complete Application."如果你已经开始但尚未完成申请程序, you will receive an email a few days before the application deadline reminding you to finalize your application. 如果您没有通过点击“完成申请”来完成申请,“你不会被考虑毕业, 你的名字不会出现在毕业典礼上, 你的账户不会被收取Graduation Application Fees.
  4. 费用将在My俄亥俄州学生中心的学生账户中进行评估. 请预留24小时的收费时间.   余额必须支付才能订购和运送文凭/证书. 
  5. You will receive an email with a confirmation number for your application for graduation. If you do not have a confirmation number then your graduation application has not been submitted. 一旦你完成申请,任何更改必须通过发送电子邮件到 graduation@俄亥俄州.edu.



    在申请截止日期之后,一份候选人名单将被发送到每个学院. 学院审查并核实所提供的候选人信息, 包括大学, 学位, 主要(s), 小(s), 和证书(s).


    学院会收到学位审核报告 (dar) 为考生提供并验证完成了学院内的学位要求. 学术部门也可能参与验证过程. Degree requirement questions from candidates should be directed to the appropriate college office representative. Colleges notify candidates of any 学位 requirement issues that may result in the denial of their 学位 for that particular semester.


    学期结束后两周, a candidate list and updated dar reports are sent to the college for a final review of 学位 requirements. The colleges confer or deny each 学位 and notify the 大学教务处. 学生 who are denied graduation must re-apply by the posted deadline for the term in which they will complete their requirements.


Correctional Education students can request a paper graduation application form from their academic advisor.

Graduation Latin Honors

有资格获得荣誉, you must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours (48 quarter hours for those students that 研究生d under the quarter system) of 学士学位课程 这些分数会影响你在newbb电子平台期间的平均成绩. 印在毕业典礼节目单上的荣誉是暂时的, 基于最后一个学期前的最新GPA. 最终荣誉将在成绩处理后确定.

如果你收到 学士学位 并且你毕业时的平均绩点(GPA), 你将自动获得拉丁荣誉.  荣誉毕业不适用于副学士学位或研究生学位. 

3.500 to 3.749以优等成绩毕业者青铜
3.750 to 3.899优等生
3.900 to 4.000优等生黄金



可用性 学位成绩单/学位验证
春天2023 - 242024年5月30日
下降2024 - 252025年1月16日 
春天2024 - 252025年5月30日

Degree-bearing Transcript

Degree-bearing transcripts will not be available until four to six weeks after graduation. 你的成绩单副本将不会与你的文凭一起邮寄,但成绩单可能会 命令 网上,亲自,传真,或通过邮件. 如果您希望您的成绩单显示您最近授予的学位, 您必须在您的请求中明确指出这一点. Please note, same day transcripts processes immediately and may not include grades or 学位s. 如果你对你的成绩单有疑问, 请与大学教务处联系, 740.593.4200 or transcripts@俄亥俄州.edu.

Degree Verification Letters

一旦学位被授予,学生可以打印学位验证信. 请浏览 注册/学位验证 网页提供更多资料及核实信的种类. 学生可以免费打印或通过电子邮件发送验证信. 学生必须有一个活跃的俄亥俄学生帐户获得验证.



可用性 毕业证书邮寄
春天2023 - 242024年6月14日
下降2024 - 252024年2月3日
春天2024 - 25 2025年6月16日

Your diploma/certificate will be mailed to you approximately eight weeks after graduation to the address supplied on your graduation application. The 大学教务处 receives the graduation conferral/denial lists from the college offices indicating the graduation status of each candidate. 文凭是头等邮寄的. Diplomas will not be mailed for students with financial or other obligations to the University until the holds are released. 


  • 证书11W × 8.5H
  • 副学士学位11W × 8.5H
  • 学士和硕士学位14W x 11H
  • 博士和医学15W x 12H.

如果你的文凭邮寄地址改变了,或者你对你的文凭有疑问, 请与毕业部联系, 740.593.4196 or graduation@俄亥俄州.edu.

CeDiplomas / CeCertificates
注册/下载您的文凭证书 (2016年春季毕业生及以后)
注册商/下载证书 (2019年秋季毕业生或之后)


newbb电子平台 Event 服务 emails commencement ceremony information to all graduation applicants to announce which ceremony to attend, 基于学生所在的学院. 学生 who apply for graduation are listed as "Candidates for Degrees" in the commencement program since final approval of the 学位 is completed after the close of the semester. 学生 that have requested confidentiality of their educational records must release the confidentiality hold in order to be included in the commencement program. 

请注意:  毕业部只负责毕业申请流程.  浏览有关毕业典礼的资料, ordering of cap and gown (regalia) and frequently asked questions regarding the ceremony will be posted on the 毕业典礼上网站. 如果你有其他问题没有在他们的网页上提供,请发电子邮件 commencement@俄亥俄州.edu







春天2024 - 25


Graduation Reception

Receptions are held by each college for those students participating in the annual commencement. 接待的地点和日期由各学院决定. 详情请与你的学院联系.

Cap and Gown Information (Regalia)

有关毕业典礼及学位帽及礼服销售的详情,请浏览 毕业典礼上网站

如有疑问,请联系 commencement@俄亥俄州.edu 或致电活动服务办公室,电话 740.593.4020.

Graduation Announcements

毕业通知可通过 newbb电子平台印刷服务.

The local bookstores also have graduation announcements and diploma frames available for purchase.