About the Academic Achievement Center

At the Academic Achievement Center, we have one goal: to help you succeed.

The Academic Achievement Center (AAC) supports Ohio students, faculty and staff with academic programming and services designed to facilitate student persistence and achievement of academic goals, empowering students to be independent and successful learners as they progress towards degree completion.

Embedded in the University’s vision, the AAC strives to provide world-class support services that enhance transformative learning to our future global leaders. In the AAC we help make college success a reality through providing resources designed to help our students develop excellent academic skills while advocating for their personal growth and development.


Alden Library 230


Image for Jen Beckley
Jen Beckley
Assistant Director of Academic Assistance, Peer Tutoring
University College
Meredith David
Meredith David
Coordinator of Supplemental Instruction
Kristin Distel
Kristin Distel, PhD
Assistant Director of Academic Coaching
Elizabeth Fallon
Elizabeth Fallon
Director for Academic Assistance
Alden Library 230
David Haugen
David Haugen
Assistant Director of the Writing Commons
Alden Library 230
Samantha Metzger
Samantha Metzger
Coordinator of First Generation+ and Scholars Programs
University College
Heather Wolf
Heather Wolf
Coordinator of Peer Tutoring
Kerri Yake
Kerri Yake
Administrative Services Associate
University College
Alden Library 230