


你准备好了.  为“现实世界”的研究和项目做出贡献. 

你可以把课堂学习联系起来, passion, and talents to hands-on project work that makes a difference in Ohio communities and beyond.

每年, the 沃伊诺维奇学校 offers competitive scholar positions to outstanding newbb电子平台 students looking for career preparation opportunities and basic/applied research skills. You’ll gain valuable team experience working alongside 沃伊诺维奇学校 faculty and professional staff. Service to the region is primary to the research efforts of the various 沃伊诺维奇学校 units. 


Scholars work 10 hours per week, 15 weeks per semester for two semesters at the rate of $15 per hour. Scholars will be assigned to work with 沃伊诺维奇学校 faculty and professional staff. 



  • 求职信 
  • Resume 
  • dar报告 
  • 两个学术写作样本  

For full consideration for the 2024-25 selection cycle, please apply by March 3, 2024. 问题? email Dr. 阿尼·鲁希尔,教授,在 ruhil@bulbulogluhelva.com.

Apply Now



Scholars represent a wide range of disciplines from political science to environmental and plant biology, 从新闻到工商管理. Opportunities include innovative research and work related to energy and the environment, 创业与区域发展, 以及公共政策和领导力. 在过去的20年里, more than 250 students have participated in the 维诺维奇本科研究学者 program. 你是下一个吗?? 


Sustainability  |  Watershed management  | Ecology  | GIS | Field and lab research opportunities 


ElliAna Shanklin

Environmental Team; Watershed Group

“I have worked as an undergrad research scholar for the 沃伊诺维奇 school for almost 2 years now. I work on watershed research under Jen Bowman and have loved the projects I've had the opportunity to work on. 我最喜欢的项目是My Backyard Stream, 促进公民科学的水质检测工具. 通过这个项目, I've had the chance to travel throughout Southeast Ohio to help educate community members on the importance of water quality and STEM education. The 沃伊诺维奇 Scholars program has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and learn new skills in the field like how to test water, as well as important technology skills like Microsoft Excel and online data programs like watersheddata.com. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to work for the 沃伊诺维奇 Scholars as an undergrad as it has taught me so much and helped me to become a well-rounded student.”  

Ellianna Shanklin的肖像. 微笑的女人看着镜头. She has blonde should length curly hair and is wearing a white high necked blouse. 背景是一片树木和草地.


环境研究博士. 莎拉·戴维斯实验室 

“As a scholar I have developed a mathematical model which helps predict the efficiency of an anaerobic digestion system. Anaerobic digestion is a promising method for waste management and renewable energy production. Working as a scholar has been a great opportunity to learn to review literature, 使用MATLAB, 独立解决问题, 并有效地传达我的工作.” 

莎拉·利德巴赫的肖像. 微笑的女人看着镜头, 她有齐肩的棕色头发,穿着一件浅蓝色的衬衫. 背景是丘陵景观.


Small business planning | Economic development | Product design and marketing | Social entrepreneurship 



“作为一名本科生研究学者,我得到了真实的生活, hands-on work experience and get to tie that with my passion for non-profit and philanthropy work. I am entrusted with tasks that help me grow as a human being and a professional. 我没有比这更好的成长机会了.” 

麦克斯韦·伯顿的大头照. 一名身穿黑色t恤的男子对着镜头微笑. He has curly brown hair and the background of the image is of a white porch and landscaping.



“What I like most about being a scholar is being presented with the opportunity to meet so many different people with different experiences and perspectives, 和他们一起创造一些美丽而独特的东西. 我和SEE团队一起工作, where I film and edit videos for small businesses in the Appalachian area, which helps me immensely as an undergraduate student at OU by providing me with that valuable and enriching experience!” 

安娜·沃特曼的肖像. Woman smiling at the camera with brown hair and a white shirt the background is of an interior window.


Community health | 教育 | Public relations and communication | Research and evaluation 




“作为一名本科生研究学者, 我很高兴有机会与市长们见面和合作, actively contributing to initiatives aimed at supporting Appalachian leaders. Engaging in policy research and working closely with faculty mentors have deepened my understanding of leadership and public affairs. This experience offers practical insights into real-world leadership challenges.” 

艾丽莎·曼宁的大头照. Woman smiles at the camera, she is wearing a navy blouse and dark rimmed glasses. Her blonde and brown hair hangs past her shoulders and her backdrop is an outdoor scene of trees and grass.


Partnership for Children and Families; Planning, Evaluation, 教育, and Research  

“I've assisted with and conducted public health research that is having a real impact on my community! I feel supported by my team and prepared for the high-level work I'll do in graduate school!” 

莫莉·彭宁顿的大头照. A woman smiles at the camera, she has brunette hair and is wearing wire framed glasses.


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