
Organic Waste Life Cycle Systems

2019年, National Science Foundation awarded funding to newbb电子平台 和 its partners for a multidisciplinary project entitled “Organic Waste Life Cycles 在 Interface of Food, 能源, 和 Water Systems (OWL-FEWS)”. The funding enables faculty, 工作人员, 和 student researchers from newbb电子平台’s 沃伊诺维奇学校 of Leadership 和 Public Service, 与 Russ College of Engineering 和 Technology 和 Florida Institute of Technology, to explore the interactions between food, 水, 能源, 和 waste systems through new technologies, 系统设计, 和 policy tools to better serve community economic needs while improving the environment.

Note: With the move of PI 德里克Kauneckis from newbb电子平台 to the Desert Research Institute (DRI) 在 University of Nevada, Reno in 2020, DRI serves as the lead institution for this project as of early 2021.

The interdisciplinary work convenes the following project team’s expertise:

  • Dr. 德里克Kauneckis, Principal Investigator, Associate Research 教授, Desert Research Institute. Dr. Kauneckis’ research examines the mix of policy mechanisms 和 behavior that leads to change in organic waste management. Dr. Kauneckis’ expertise is in public policy 和 complex multiple level systems. His research is examining organic waste policy innovation hubs across the country, how information cues influence behavior around waste, 和 the integration of social sciences with smart waste technology system design.
  • Dr. 莎拉·C. 戴维斯, 副教授, 俄亥俄州 沃伊诺维奇学校. Dr. 戴维斯’ research expertise is in 能源 bioscience, 生态系统生态学, 养分循环, 植物生理学. Her research group is characterizing the chemical composition of food waste streams 和 assessing the fuel 和 nutrient yields from anaerobic digestion of different food waste compositions.
  • Dr. 娜塔莉·克鲁斯·丹尼尔斯, 教授, Environmental Studies, 俄亥俄州 沃伊诺维奇学校. Dr. Kruse Daniels’ research expertise is in 水shed characterization, 矿井水处理, 水shed-scale规划, 溪流恢复. Her laboratory is testing the use of hydrochar made from organic waste materials as a 水 treatment media for metal-rich mine 水 和 the potential to use the spent 水 treatment media as a soil amendment.
  • Dr. Toufiq Reza, 助理教授, 化学工程, Department of Biomedical 和 化学工程 和 Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology. The Reza Research Group is performing two major tasks in this project, including studying carbon capture 和 biogas upgrading by molecular simulation 和 closely-knit experiments, 和 converting digestate into activated hydrochar by thermochemical conversion.
  • Dr. 杰伊·威廉, 助理教授, Mechanical Engineering, 俄亥俄州 Russ College of Engineering 和 Technology. Dr. Wilhelm has research expertise in smart sensor systems, 自治, RFID嵌入式传感, wildlife behavior monitoring, 智能系统. His work involves instrumenting a compost bin to detect the state of decay 和 estimate if any non-biological substances have been deposited such that post-processing of organic waste can be custom tailored for maximum breakdown.

To learn more about the project, contact Dr. 德里克Kauneckis or Dr. 莎拉•戴维斯.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2123495.


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